Games are about providing control for nine year olds … “the bigger and neater the entity I can control, the better.” — 133: 1845-1846
Oh—Ethan is trying to wean himself off eel phones. Good luck! — 167: 2319-2320
Ethan is being “reactionary” (Todd told me the word). But, as with any recent conversions to any new belief, Todd does exude a righteousness that is a touch off-putting, if not boring. — 237: 3296-3298
we toyed with the bioanimatronic singing vegetable booth at Molly Stone’s on California Street. Then we looked for an Italian restaurant so we could reenact the classic Lady and the Tramp spaghetti noodle/kiss scene. During dinner we discussed — 294: 4088-4090
The tech system feeds on bright, asocial kids from diveorced backgrounds who had pro-education parents. We ARE in a new industry; there aren’t really many older poeple in it. We are on the vanguard of adoldescence protraction. — 298: 4140-4141