‘If all who worship did so without need. If all came to their saviour unmindful of that title and its burden, if they came as friends—’ she glanced back at him, ‘what would happen then, do you think? I wonder…’ — 181: 3806-3807
It is the curse of believers that they seek to second-guess the one they claim to worship.’ ‘In your silence what choice do they have?’ The Redeemer’s smile broadened. ‘Every choice in the world, my friend.’ — 472: 10201-10204
‘Bless you, that you not be taken. Bless you, that you begin in your time and that you end in its fullness. Bless you, in the name of the Redeemer, in my name, against the cruel harvesters of the soul, the takers of life. Bless you, that your life and each life shall be as it is written, for peace is born of completion.’ — 812: 17654-17657