The Product Management Press Release
I’ve been spending a lot of time at my day job churning with team over engineering-change management. I had a few people mention the “write a press release”-pattern and found a great summary of it.
For new initiatives a product manager typically starts by writing an internal press release announcing the finished product. The target audience for the press release is the new/updated product’s customers, which can be retail customers or internal users of a tool or technology. Internal press releases are centered around the customer problem, how current solutions (internal or external) fail, and how the new product will blow away existing solutions.
Inspiration and references
Product press release
I keep forgetting
label for=
Should buttons be title- or sentence- cased?
Is a form more effective than a check-list? In this case, I think the original bulleted list is easier to understand.
Placeholders are a good place to put example text, rather than descriptions.